Thread: Wall Slide
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Old 04-22-2011, 10:18 AM   #97
hot rod
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 527

Oh yeah, and another thing on ethanol... as we speak, our wonderful and intelligent political class is trying to mandate an increase in the required ethanol content in pump gasoline to be raised from E10 to E15, meaning now there will be 15% ethanol in the gas. That is a 50% increase in the gallons of ethanol burned up each year, meaning 50% more of our foodstock being burned up in engines, and raising the cost substantially of both the fuel and the food that is being robbed. Not to mention decreasing the energy content from the 5.5% loss with the current E10 to an 8.25% loss vs. 100% gasoline. Add to that the fact that both automotive and motorcycle manufacturers, as well as small engine manufacturers, are vehemently opposed to the move saying that a higher ethanol concentration will damage both the fuel systems and the engines themselves, particularly in older engines that were designed before ethanol was in use. But the government just pooh poohs their concersn, saying "don't you want to save the planet?".

Sorry, there goes that darn soapbox again.
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