Oh oh, I started some trouble on behalf of truck conversions

I read it two weeks ago but didnt bother to comment...Dont care one way or another but to read someone mention "maturity" when I see "flaming" going on seems a bit much!
My point was merely the fact they removed the entire thread rather than deal with it. It seems a bit tempor tantrummy to me. Not flaming, just an opinion.
Den, Nice Website
I love "We are NOT Politically Correct and have no patience for those that are."

Too funny. Here is another quote I heard once:
"To be politically correct is to be common sense deficient"

Doc Weaver
Thanks Doc. Other than my sig o other forums, I don't really promote it as I don't want to be branded as a spammer. I am quite proud of the site as in all it has about a 5 year history starting from an MSN chat site in the beginning and has also survived being destroyed when it was hacked last year.

After the hack, I lost my drive, but as (slowly) I've gotten a couple members again and a few of the old ones (who've suported me from the beginning!) start trickling back as they find out the site (though a different name and direction) is still alive, I've started fixing it up again.

I went from being literally PC illiterate 6-7 years ago (Had never even turned the power switch on before!) to teaching myself ftp, some html, (enough to get by at least) and also now build my own PCs. It's helped a lot since I got sick to pass the time and refocus my interests in a way I can use them since I can't do or afford much with cars anymore.

Anyways, enough of a hijack, I give the topic back.
Back on topic. It is too bad that my original thread went the direction it did. I was extremely surprised at some of the posts by people there. I stayed completely within the rules (except for cross posting it into another section at the suggestion of a poster there and not realizing that was illegal and I apologized for that mistake). I was attacked, plain and simple. And when I posted a rebutal to being attacked I was attacked again, by their moderator. And many posts were removed by the moderator too. And finally the whole thing was removed. Incredible. I simply thought it would be useful for people to be able to find out more about t/c's. I had no idea those guys would send it down the toilet like that. I can't fathom why they wouldn't have another section, it's clearly a different platform as we all know. If that web site's owners think a t/c is the same as a super C, too bad. Too bad for the users. Interesting new member here trying to defend what went on there. At least that's the way I'm reading your posts. Welcome to TruckConversion.net. Lots of great people here that understand the difference between a t/c and the other chassis'.
I simply thought it would be useful for people to be able to find out more about t/c's.

So your the great messinger coming to let everyone know about TC's? Well your too late any RV'er going down the road (any kind) has seen a TC. They are well represented at any RV show, racing events, heck they are not that uncommon at CG's. My point is no one needs you to "spread the word" on other forums etc. because they know. I happen to ba a fan of TC's and may own one some day but I gotta tell ya it's an aquired taste.
Most class A owners make their choice based on floor plan and don't pay any attention to chassis, brakes, power train, etc.

I'm "TwoJayhawks" on that other forum and I responded quite favorably to your post on adding a TC section. I have to say your "activity" over here is a bit tasteless. You may be hurting your "crusade" more than helping it. Just my two cents.
"great messinger coming to let everyone know about TC's?" Ha, not quite. By your logic why would there be any seperate sections then? No where did I ever post anything claiming that a t/c is better in any way than any other chassis. They certainly are not well represented at RV shows and I'm not trying to get them more representation there. That wasn't the point of my suggestion. The RV shows are driven by customer demand and there probably isn't nearly as much demand for a t/c as other chassis. I don't know what campgrounds you go to but I've been to a few and rarely see truck conversions. But again, that isn't my point to the suggestion.

I guess I'm tasteless, but I know how to spell messenger. That's the lowest I'll stoop, sorry for that.
Thanks for the Welcome....Ive lurked here for a very long time and Im not afraid to say I am active in a number of Forums...if thats offensive to some...what can I say. I was just giving My opinion as to whether quoting someone from another Forum on here without that person being able to defend or respond....Ill just say its something I wouldnt do....Ill let others decide whether its appropriate or not. As to the Moderator at RV.Net....dont know him! But he's always seemed fair to me in my 5-6 years over their. Dont have much more to add....but I think a T/C maybe in my future too...hence Im here lurking.
Have Fun
OH and I wasnt defending anyone...just commenting on what I read on RV.Net...I frankly didnt see anyone attacking you BUT maybe those were the erased posts I missed!
A major problem with email, BBS, blogs, and forums is that vocal tone is not portrayed script. Vocal tone and make the difference between a statement being: serious, funny, mad, or sarcastic. All with the same written words. How a statement is perceived makes the difference in how it is received.

That being said, the aforementioned thread was a contest of obstinacy verses persistence. As persistent as Bob was, The moderator was never going to admit truck conversions were different from C class.

Doc Weaver
Johnboy. Welcome. And yeah, the thread on RVnet would be 5 pages at one point and three pages the next day as they were removing posts they didn't agree with as fast as they were written. But I also agree, for the most part, the membership there are pretty good people especially considering the size of the forum.
Originally posted by John Boy:
I was just giving My opinion as to whether quoting someone from another Forum on here without that person being able to defend or respond....Ill just say its something I wouldnt do....

My reason for posting those private messages is to show how uninformed he was. I don't see why he can't "defend" himself here if he wants to.
Originally posted by Bob86ZZ4:
Oh oh, it's gotten more ugly. You've got to check it again for the newest posts. I'm glad there are obviously some posts that respect the t/c and think we should be able to have our own section.

Look at it this way. All your trouble making created a new member for this forum. So thanks for the information and invitation.

As you know, I had a similar reaction at FMCA, RV.net and Good Sam! Mine was not as nasty as yours, but none-the-less equally offing.

Good news is that I seem to have found a home here and hope to earn my keep contributing.

Kind of interesting. John Boy joins our forum at the time of this thread being created/active. He defends the jerk moderator Johnny T. He makes 4 posts. Then we hear nothing else from him. Johnny T has passed away. I'm just wondering if John Boy is still around. Since there is obviously some speculation that they were the same person.

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