Senior Member
Just thought I'd let you know how your hard earned tax money is being wasted, by a few members of the Sheriffs Dept, who are supposed to be protecting us by catching criminals, but instead are fluffing their ticket books and tying up the court sytems with frivolous matters.
I was walking my dog, saw some dog poop, picked it up the walked to the center divider that is 8 feet wide on a commercial street which is covered with dirt and weeds, shown here:
I put the poop down, covered it with dirt so it could dry out and breakdown and walked away. Technician H happened to be driving by and must have reported it to Deputy J via radio. Guess they are all watching for me...
Nobody walks on this dirt center divider and the poop breaks down and dries out quickly in the sun. It's a better option than putting it in a landfill.
Deputy J who really, really, really, dislikes me, because I have a larger than normal truck and he says it blocks the view of people leaving the driveway even though I'm about 100 feet away from it...he decieded that I should be cited...
I'm still dreaming of owning a Class 8. Can't wait to see his behavior once I start parking a Class 8 on the street in place of my smaller truck.
Maybe give a few blasts of the air horns as I drive by and wave to him...?
Keep in mind that the Deputy and the technician parked their vehicles, with the two drivers side tires on the center divider dirt, causing the morning commute traffic to swerve or change lanes...While their two vehicles were parked, they both got out searched the ground for the alleged "dog poop dumping" for 10 mins or so.
There conversation probablly went like this:
"Uh Technician H, do you see the alleged dog poop?
No sir, Sergeant J. Don't see it at this moment. Should I keep looking.
Yes Technician H. Keep looking. We need to cite that man for this incident. How dare him leave dog poop on this section of dirt that nobody ever walks on...
Yes sir Sergeant. I'll keep looking for the dog poop sir."
So after 30 mins of tying up 2 deputies and 1 technician, he has his subordinate cite me for "dumping on public property".
An interesting thing that occurred just prior to the citation, I cleaned up somebody else's dog poop that was on the sidewalk and threw it the ivy that is used for ground cover just to get it off the public sidewalk.
This is the same high crime area where I volunteer my time to track criminals who burglarize cars by smashing out their windows...I have never recieved recognition for my efforts to stop crime. I don't expect it and prefer to operate without bureacracy.
So now I'll have to enter the court system and see what happens. The matter will most likely be dropped if you make an appearance in front of the judge, but it takes months to even get a court date.
Keep in mind, the Deputy has one year to process the ticket. I will have to go to the clerks counter about every 30 days for one year to see if it's in court system, which it probablly won't be. And if you miss a court date that you don't know about, they can issue a warrant and arrest you, impound your rig and put you in jail until you post bail or have a court date. More wasted taxpayers money.
So this is a fine example of how your hard earned tax dollar is being wasted by a couple of Deputies who rather fluff their books instead of catching real criminals.
I've filed charges of harassment and wasting the taxpayers money with the internal affairs office but the way it works is that if they didn't shoot you and their is no video of gross negligence, the officers are innocent.
By the time this is all said and done, it will probablly have cost thousands of dollars in adminstration fees through the writing of the ticket, the adminstration of the court system...
In the meantime, we've got hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens entering this country from Mexico every year and have Osama Bin Ladens, al Queda and Zarqawis group planning how to destroy our country with their suitcase nukes
Wonder why this country is in so much trouble?
The answer lies with issues like what I'm going through.
I was walking my dog, saw some dog poop, picked it up the walked to the center divider that is 8 feet wide on a commercial street which is covered with dirt and weeds, shown here:
I put the poop down, covered it with dirt so it could dry out and breakdown and walked away. Technician H happened to be driving by and must have reported it to Deputy J via radio. Guess they are all watching for me...
Nobody walks on this dirt center divider and the poop breaks down and dries out quickly in the sun. It's a better option than putting it in a landfill.
Deputy J who really, really, really, dislikes me, because I have a larger than normal truck and he says it blocks the view of people leaving the driveway even though I'm about 100 feet away from it...he decieded that I should be cited...
I'm still dreaming of owning a Class 8. Can't wait to see his behavior once I start parking a Class 8 on the street in place of my smaller truck.

Keep in mind that the Deputy and the technician parked their vehicles, with the two drivers side tires on the center divider dirt, causing the morning commute traffic to swerve or change lanes...While their two vehicles were parked, they both got out searched the ground for the alleged "dog poop dumping" for 10 mins or so.
There conversation probablly went like this:
"Uh Technician H, do you see the alleged dog poop?
No sir, Sergeant J. Don't see it at this moment. Should I keep looking.
Yes Technician H. Keep looking. We need to cite that man for this incident. How dare him leave dog poop on this section of dirt that nobody ever walks on...

Yes sir Sergeant. I'll keep looking for the dog poop sir."
So after 30 mins of tying up 2 deputies and 1 technician, he has his subordinate cite me for "dumping on public property".
An interesting thing that occurred just prior to the citation, I cleaned up somebody else's dog poop that was on the sidewalk and threw it the ivy that is used for ground cover just to get it off the public sidewalk.
This is the same high crime area where I volunteer my time to track criminals who burglarize cars by smashing out their windows...I have never recieved recognition for my efforts to stop crime. I don't expect it and prefer to operate without bureacracy.
So now I'll have to enter the court system and see what happens. The matter will most likely be dropped if you make an appearance in front of the judge, but it takes months to even get a court date.
Keep in mind, the Deputy has one year to process the ticket. I will have to go to the clerks counter about every 30 days for one year to see if it's in court system, which it probablly won't be. And if you miss a court date that you don't know about, they can issue a warrant and arrest you, impound your rig and put you in jail until you post bail or have a court date. More wasted taxpayers money.
So this is a fine example of how your hard earned tax dollar is being wasted by a couple of Deputies who rather fluff their books instead of catching real criminals.
I've filed charges of harassment and wasting the taxpayers money with the internal affairs office but the way it works is that if they didn't shoot you and their is no video of gross negligence, the officers are innocent.
By the time this is all said and done, it will probablly have cost thousands of dollars in adminstration fees through the writing of the ticket, the adminstration of the court system...
In the meantime, we've got hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens entering this country from Mexico every year and have Osama Bin Ladens, al Queda and Zarqawis group planning how to destroy our country with their suitcase nukes
Wonder why this country is in so much trouble?
The answer lies with issues like what I'm going through.