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Old 09-16-2010, 09:53 AM   #229
Ran D. St. Clair
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 212

Bob86ZZ4, for the moment my water bucket design is as simple as it gets. I have to physically pull the buckets down off the shelf, and pop the lids to fill them. I also have to pull them down to pop and swap the lids to bring the spare bucket into play on the left side, which is where the hose hangs down into the sink most conveniently.

I may end up adding enhancements for external fill as you say. I would need to be careful to avoid over filling the buckets since they are vented at the top and it would make a mess inside the truck.

Part of my thinking with using buckets was to make them easily accessable for cleaning inside. I may have misjudged the convenience factor though. I suppose I will learn a lot when I live with it for a while. I will admit that putting a 5 gallon bucket on a modestly high shelf is a bit of a strain on the old back.

We will see how the magnets do as well. My doors are not large or heavy. Since they hinge on the bottom, if they pop open they will stay open so I will surely know. I figured if I have a problem I will just add more or stronger magnets. I want to minimize as much as I can the travel prep. requirements. I just know that if there is a list of 20 things I need to check before taking off that I will forget 2 of them. I also expect to need to bug out in a hurry on occasion so I want to be travel ready at all times if possible.

I will post again soon. I am still making steady progress most every single day, but I wanted to complete a discrete chunk before reporting.
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